Befriending and caring about others.


The social impact game Survivance was originally designed with videos from the Wisdom of the Elders Discovering Our Story project. The game is now archived and serves as a model for communities to adapt into their own version of the game.

The Caretaker quests include Retelling, Giving, and Sacred Hoop.



Revisit a traditional story, family story, or historical story and tell it in any form yourself.

Create an act of survivance—a self-determined expression in any medium. Whether you share it and how is up to you.


The GIVING Quest

Practice giving, whether as a gift, spending time with someone, cooking for yourself or someone else, or anything you can think of that. You must begin with looking inward and giving to yourself, which can often be the hardest.

Give to yourself.
Give to someone close to you.
Give to someone you are familiar with.
Give to a stranger.

Create an act of survivance—a self-determined expression in any medium. Whether you share it and how is up to you.


The Sacred Hoop Quest

Explore feelings that have had a negative impact on your relationships. You can work towards resolving relationships that need healing and choose to create new healthy relationships with others.

Create an act of survivance—a self-determined expression in any medium. Whether you share it and how is up to you.